I was given the chance to try out the
the EIO cup, I was a little curious as to why any one would want to give a toddler a glass cup. I was sure it would break of my son threw it like he has the rest of his cups, and to me that seemed dangerous. I do realize it's pretty much the same a glass bottles, but then again bottles were not a thing I used either.
I was thrilled they came in Z's favorite color. When the cup arrived I washed it, and them allowed my son to give it a try, but watched him super close, he did pretty good at first, sadly though I was right about the cup not lasting he threw it in my cast iron sink, and it broke. I can at est to the spill resistant but not tell you it's a cup I would buy, what if I hadn't been watching him so closely? The EIO cup just isn't the cup for me.
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