and tone a sagging neckline and can even give a perky lift to our not-so-perky bust lines.
Bottom line... Thanks to "Bring It Up® Instant Lifts," you can look 10, 15, even 20 years younger WITHOUT surgery!
Denise has been a professional cosmetologist and aesthetician for more than 22 years. Her exclusive Los Angeles area salon has become a Mecca for women who want to look and feel their best, no matter what their age. From Hollywood to Malibu, they seek out Denise for her innovative approach to anti-aging and beauty.
Denise has spent her entire career helping women look and feel their best. She has been told by so many women how depressed they feel when their hair and make-up are perfect, yet they still feel that they look old and tired.
When Denise looked in the mirror and realized she too was starting to experience the first signs of aging, she decided to do something to counteract the harmful effects of gravity.
Denise had a negative experience caused by an injection that was supposed to remove the lines in her forehead. Instead it gave her
a paralyzed effect, dropping one brow and making it impossible for her to move her brow up - the muscle was numb. Denise tried everything on the market to remedy the problem, but nothing worked. So she came up with a product of her own, the prototype for "Bring It Up® Instant Lifts," to correct her dropped brow.
When she regained muscle control, she realized she looked
10 years younger while wearing the lifts, so she continues to wear the brow lifts everyday and the breast lifts when she needs to.
They are the first thing she puts on in the morning and the last things she takes off.
She has listened to the women in her salon complain about their own sagging eyes, necks and breasts for years, but now when they complained she was able to share the lifts she had created with them. Denise couldn't keep up with the phone calls! Everyone had
to have them.
She designed "Bring It Up® Instant Lifts" to give you the RESULTS of surgery without any of the downsides.
Now you can look years younger in just seconds. "Bring It Up® Instant Lifts" are easy to apply, very affordable, completely natural looking, and no one will know you are wearing them! Now you don't have to spend another minute feeling unhappy about your aging appearance because now YOU are in control-thanks to "Bring It Up® Instant Lifts."
As much as I dislike talking about it, after 3 children and nursing for a sum of around 4 years, my breasts are not as perky as I would like them to be. They aren't pointing at the ground yet, but I would like to look like I have the chest of a 27 year old women which I am then a 45 year old women nearing menopause.
Instant Breast Lifts - Cup Sizes A-D
Includes 8 pairs of Breast Lifts. Bring It Up Instant Breast Lifts enhances your body image. These breast lifts will provide full support, without a bra, up to size D cup. Great with swimsuits, backless and strapless fashions.
Instant Breast Lifts - Cup Size D and Larger
Includes 3 pairs of Size D and Larger Breast Lifts. Designed for women over a size D cup to give added lift and support when worn with a bra. Great for assisting with bras made for strapless or backless fashions.
Both size Breast Lifts are a transparent, waterproof, hypoallergenic adhesive unlike any other breast lift ever seen before. Bring It Up Lifts are applied to the top of the breast, not underneath, lifting the loose skin and repositioning the nipple to a higher place for a more natural, youthful appearance. Wear a strapless bra with confidence. Remove excess weight from the shoulders.

I am slightly larger chested and because of this the fact I'm not perky really does show more. With Bring it up I have the confidence back. It's a great feeling to know your breast look great.
Buy it:
Plus Size - Over D $14.00
Regular - Up to D $20.00

I think I will need this - especially after nursing!
I might have to check them out. I'm over a D cup, but if they work, it would be nice. Especially with some of my formal gowns I have to wear.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Very interesting product... must share this with some friends!
Thanks again for the follow... and I'm following right back :)
This is something I will be looking in to!!
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