Friday, October 5, 2012

Crayola Back To School Spark

Crayola is a company I have known about for years. They make so many great things, crayons, markers, Color wonder markers, and even some of our favorite building items called jumbles. We recently got to try out some very awesome products from Crayola that my kids had a blast with.

Crayola Bright Fabric Markers

Crystal Effects Window Markers
These are awesome! Ms.L and Ms.H had a blast  drawing on the kitchen windows, they make really cool designs . These markers actually got my husband to put down a video game controller and draw with them. I just wish I had my camera working at the time.

Crayola Window Mega Markers

These markers didn't get the use they would have because our school colors are Blue and Yellow, my favorite sports team is blue and gold , and my husband's is green and white.  They do write great and they are wide enough ti color is large areas fast. I just wish they came with my color choices. 

Wild Notes Index Cards

Even I love using these, they are very neat. When you write anything on these note cards with the special pen, it shows up in different colors , sort of like a rainbow. I use these in many things, if I want to write a note to Ms. H  and slid it in her backpack telling her to have a great day or good luck on an important test.

Wild Notes Sticky Notes
These are great to make a fun reminder message to myself or to leave a message on ms. H's bed that a friend called or I
even used them to mark birthdays on the calendar these little sticky notes fit great on textbook pages, planners to tell a teacher to call you, or that your child will be leaving early and could she please send along the work that will be missed.

Wild Notes 1 Subject Notebook
This was taken over the moment it came by Ms.L for her " journal". To a 5 year old it's a great place to express herself.  My to by a couple more for me to use.She uses pictures and words she is learning. Admittedly I would have to say if I had this when I was in school I might have practices way more on all my subjects. 

Dual-Sided Dry-Erase Board

The dual sided dry erase board fell into the hands of Mr,Z  right away he began to learn how it works. He loves the fact he can write on either side and if he " messes up" as he calls it or his sisters but in he has the option to just wipe it off and start again. This is the best item for little ones. I have been working on teaching him his letters and numbers and this has saved us so much paper.

Want the chance to try out some of these great products

*Disclosure:  The information, products and additional Crayola Back-to-School gift pack was provided by Crayola® through MyBlogSpark *


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