Sunday, July 24, 2011

EcoStore Usa Review

ecostore NZ was founded more than 15 years ago by Melanie and Malcolm Rands from their home in an eco village in New Zealand.
All of the families that lived in the farm based eco village shared a commitment to organic growing and healthy living, making this an ideal environment in which a young, environmentally conscious business could thrive. Each household in the village was responsible for their own waste water, which quickly highlighted the problems caused by using regular supermarket cleaning products that relied heavily on cheap, petroleum-based, synthetic ingredients.
Faced with the challenge of protecting the pristine rural waterways of the eco village, Malcolm Rands began to research and seek expert help from scientists to develop household cleaning products using plant-based ingredients that would biodegrade safely and quickly. Achieving his goal, he eliminated the need to use toxic chemicals, leaving the eco villages water pure. His goal was more than accomplished as the product line of this home-based business began to grow, and an exciting future began to unfold.
The original customer base of ecostore NZ was comprised of mostly ‘Greenies’ and organic gardeners. However, it was not long before testimonials from other parents (many of whom were unaware of the benefits of eco-friendly products) began to pour in with wonderful news of their children's allergies and eczema clearing up. Many noted that any respiratory issues were healing, and many lingering chronic conditions were disappearing.
By simply changing to the genuinely clean and green ecostore products, people were experiencing surprising and unexpected improvements in their health. As the notion of using products with “No Nasty Chemicals™” gained popular appeal, ecostore quickly outgrew its location in the Rand’s basement and the business moved to a storefront in Auckland, New Zealand.

I love trying new Products that are great for the environment, and my family Eco Store USA allowed me to find a couple great products, that I'm very happy to share with you.
First up is the

The Pure Oxygen Whitener contains oil of citrus and Coconut and other plant-based ingredients. Ecomommas will love the way this product brightens and cleans baby’s clothes and does not contain any harsh chemicals that could irritate delicate skin.(35.3 ounce size)


  • Carbonates (simple mineral salts)
  • Sodium percarbonate (oxygen producing whitener)
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • Citrates (from citrus)
  • Highly biodegradable surfactant
  • Natural citrus oil

To fully make you understand how much I like this I must tell you, My 2 year old son is Allergic to bleach, and there for I can't use any bleach on his clothing or socks, and if your a parent you know how dirty and stained children can get their clothing in no time flat. 

So I was always left with a big, issue and had to choose not to buy him white because there was no way to get things completely clean, I even tried Oxy Clean with no luck. I threw some of this in with his clothes when it first arrived, and was shocked at the results. Nothing could however top when I was washing my white inserts for my cloth diapers and my sweet, little boy through a Bright Pink Wipe in the HOT wash, so most of my inserts were pink. and I was left with the thought "oh no, now what?" so I thought well I will throw them in with some of the Eco Store Whitener and see what happens, and that's what I did between the sun, and the whitener my inserts are almost completely white again.

and next up is....

Gentle on your skin yet effective on your dishware the EcoSTORE USA Dish L
liquid has great grease cutting power and leaves a light, fresh fragrance. Free of any synthetic chemicals, your family and the planet will appreciate it! (32 fluid ounces)
  • Palm and coconut based ionic, non-ionic and anionic surfactants
  • Mineral hydroxide
  • Natural citrus oil

I decided to put this up against what I currently use for my dishes , they are both plant based  and Eco friendly. Now I do own a dishwasher and run that for most things, but I bought new pots and pans this year and they are hand wash only. I dislike washing dishes but really hate it when I barely use any soap and have to rinse for what seems like ever. I read the directions where it says to use a little because it's very concentrated, but I used maybe a spot the size of a dime on my dishrag, and it seemed to take me 3 times as long to wash dishes, but between my kids,and the daycare kids I stay busy enough. It does clean just fine, but to me, it's to concentrated.

Over all my experience with Ecostore USA has been great, and I will continue to buy and use the Oxygen Whitener. 



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